Wanting to Sterilize Your Animal But Don’t Have the Money? Your Options.

There are people who can’t afford to sterilize their animals/pets.
If you’re someone who doesn’t have a pet yet, note that responsible pet ownership involves sterilizing your animal.
If you would like to have an animal companion but don’t have one yet, please note that there are costs involved in keeping a pet – if you’re someone who doesn’t have a lot of money at your disposal, your only option is to save money before getting a pet. Please also take into consideration that you will also need to keep money aside for vet fees.
Another thing to consider is to not take on an animal that you can’t afford on a monthly basis. For instance, if you can’t afford the upkeep of a large dog, don’t get a large dog. If you can’t afford a dog in the first place, get something like a cat. One other thing to take into consideration is your lifestyle – don’t get a pet that doesn’t suit your lifestyle or the stage of life you’re in.

It’s nice to have an animal companion if you are on your own – but also just keep in mind that if you can’t afford to really have an animal companion, it’s best to get one that is small and that doesn’t need a lot of upkeep or won’t cost a big amount if something has to happen to it.

If you’re someone who is getting a pet for an elderly person – here’s what you should be doing:
– Ask them what their financial situation is like, and if they are able to afford to keep a pet.
– If they don’t have a lot of money, help them to save up some money for them to have finances to feed their pet, to have back up for vet expenses, i.e. vaccinations, sterilization (please encourage them to sterilize, even if it’s only one animal that they have, responsible pet ownership involves sterilizing their animal – even if it’s only one animal that they’re keeping), also for if the animal gets sick or injured.

If it’s for yourself and you yourself don’t have a lot of money for sterilization, here are some options:
– Save up for it; put money aside every month until you have over half of the money saved up.
– If you can’t afford private vet fees, another option is to do the sterilization through the state vet – one thing to check for with the state vet, hear first from others what their experience was with the state vet, if you get mostly negative feedback, rather try to save up for a private vet.
– Also make sure that you have transport to get your animal companion to the vet on the day of sterilization, otherwise see what you can arrange beforehand.
– If you’re able to, also put money aside for any emergencies that you will need to go to the vet for.

You might need to wait a little bit longer to get yourself a pet if you need to save up, or make some extra effort to keep your dog away from other dogs if you need to save up for sterilization, but at the end of the day, it’ll be worth it.

As always, please always practice responsible pet ownership.

Blog Post By Your Pet Caring Friend,
Carmen Harris.