If you have a child, you will know how important it is to model the correct behaviour of how to treat an animal to your child. Remember one thing: they model/copy what you model/show to them.
It’s always best to teach them how to treat an animal correctly from as young as possible – otherwise if bad habits/bad behaviour towards animals spiral – they could land up becoming a criminal with a criminal record if they end up mistreating animals. So again – take the time to teach your child how to treat animals correctly. Don’t allow any nastiness or teasing of animals from your kids – because again, this could land up working against them in the future.
Please don’t be dismissive of any bad behaviour towards animals from your kids – if you observe any such behaviour, nip it in the bud immediately – and also make sure that the community around you, any friends your kids may have – that their parents also uphold that standard as well.
It might not be nice hearing that your child is mistreating animals – but again, if this behaviour is dismissed or swept under the carpet, it could become a very big problem later – and no, it is very unlikely that it is a ‘stage’ that the child is going through. Don’t get defensive when someone approaches you about your child’s bad behaviour towards animals.
When you have a pet in your home – be sure to also model responsible pet ownership to them, because this will also develop responsible behaviour in them as well. Involve them in feeding your pet, cleaning up after them, washing the pet food and water dishes, brushing and bathing the pet, etc.
This will also teach them that owning a pet isn’t just about having play time with the animal – but looking after the pet’s needs as well.
Also teach them about taking the pet to the vet on a yearly basis, about sterilizing the pet, taking the pet to the vet when the animal is sick or injured. Another aspect to involve them in, even though they might not understand the concept of it completely, is putting an animal to sleep in its old age – this will also teach them to take the animal’s needs into account and not keep the animal going because they would be emotionally hurt/broken taking the animal to the vet to have it put to sleep.
All of this is modelling good behaviour and treatment towards pets/animals.
As always, please always practice responsible pet ownership – it will ensure that your child also picks up good behaviour about how to treat an animal.
Blog Post By Your Pet Caring Friend,
Carmen Harris.