Keeping Your Dog Safe in South Africa

If you happen to have a dog in South Africa, it’s important to note that there are some things you need to be aware of and keep watch with. There are people that you need to watch out for that could indicate that they’re targeting your dog.
I’ll also be listing ways in which you can keep your dog safe – and yes, some of these things might take a few extra minutes for you to do, but at the end of the day, if your dog is safe because of it, then it will be worth it to take the time to do some of these things.

Here are a list of people you might need to watch out for that could potentially target your dog for various reasons:
– Drug Addicts
– Criminals
– Neighbours that don’t like pets or companion animals

Here are some reasons why you need to watch out for these types of people:
Drug Addicts:
– They snatch dogs to sell them for drugs
– They poison dogs to get into your yard, or even steal them to sell them
– They tend to put poison out to get rid of ‘nuisance’ animal companions

Here are ways you can protect your dog:
Drug Addicts:
– Make sure that there is no easy access to your dog – if you have a back yard hidden from the street, they are safer being out of view from people walking in the street
– If you have a breed that could be valuable, or that isn’t readily available for just anyone in the public to buy, try to make sure that only people you trust are aware that you have such a dog in the first place
– Make sure your dog sleep inside at night – don’t just have a dog or use your dog to guard your belongings/property
– Again, if you have a breed that’s either valuable or a breed that you know gets targeted for stealing, try to make sure that only people you trust know that you have such a dog in the first place
– As challenging as it can be at times, try to prevent your dog from being a nuisance in the first place, especially with things like excessive barking, howling, etc.

In terms of dogs that might get stolen, be sure that your dog has a form of identification, so if your dog does happen to get stolen, and you see it somewhere – you are able to prove that it is your dog. The best form of identification is a microchip.

As always, please always practice responsible pet ownership.

Blog Post By Your Pet Caring Friend,
Carmen Harris.