I know that people don’t like admitting that they might have a nuisance dog – so here’s the first thing I’m going to cover: what constitutes as a ‘nuisance dog’? When a dog does the following:
Always gets out the yard, constantly barking or howling – any of these to the point where people complain about it – is considered nuisance.
Now, as a pet owner, it’s decent to be considerate of the people living around you, and have a dog that is for the most part – well behaved. There will be instances where your dog misbehaves or even gets out the gate – accidents like that happen.
Here’s the next question: what measures do you have in place if you do own a nuisance dog?
Another thing to consider: do you own a breed of dog that needs a lot of attention? If you are not someone who has time on your hands, don’t get a dog that needs a lot of attention. Also, don’t get a big dog or dog that needs a lot of space if you have a small yard, that will ensure that you have a frustrated dog – especially if you don’t give it the stimulation it needs.
If you do happen to be someone who owns a dog who needs a lot of space/exercise, be sure to either walk the dog yourself on a regular basis, or give it a toy that will provide mental stimulation when you go out. If you can’t walk your dog, find someone who is willing to walk the dog.
A quick note to the public: if a dog has food, water, shelter – in other words, the welfare of the dog is looked after – the SPCA can’t do anything about dogs that get out the yard or bark/howl.
For dogs who get out the yard, Law Enforcement can be called. For dogs that bark/howl, a noise complaint at the police station can be placed.
Also – another note to the public: don’t go around threatening people or their dogs because you’re irritated with their animals. Don’t be the sort of person that makes a nuisance of yourself – you might just find people opening up a case against you.
I know that it can be frustrating for some people who have ‘nuisance’ neighbours – and then sometimes, those with ‘nuisance’ companions don’t listen when you ask them to keep their dog in the yard/stop them from howling/barking. Especially if you’re someone who has to work night shift and you sleep during the day, or if you’re a caregiver to someone who has a health/medical/frail condition. Despite your frustration, choose to be a decent person.
And, as always, please always practice responsible pet ownership.
Blog Post By Your Pet Caring Friend,
Carmen Harris.