I get why there are people who don’t like the SPCA.
The reception on the last blog post was mostly positive – thank you to those who understand why the SPCA has to do the job it does.
But, for those few who don’t understand – you’re allowed to have your opinion. But also understand our position of ALWAYS – I’m going to say it again – ALWAYS having to have space for incoming animals. No SPCA has unlimited space to keep animals – nor the funds to upkeep that number of animals.
If you’ve got the space, the funds and the manpower to keep animals for years on end that get discarded by their owners – then by all means go and do that. But please don’t just keep animals alive just because you can’t face the reality of euthanasia.
Then, another point I want to touch on before calling an end to this blog post, another reason why people can have a vendetta against the SPCA is because of those that don’t home out of their area.
Most SPCAs have large areas to cover – and demanding for them to cover an even larger area is unfair. And the argument and threat of: ‘Oh – so you would rather have the animal put down rather than home outside of your area?’ isn’t going to persuade any of the SPCA staff to home to the area.
You might be willing to do whatever you can to try and accommodate getting this animal into your own home – travel a good couple 100 kilometers, perhaps even fly out – it still won’t change the situation. The only time an SPCA can home ‘out of area’, is if there is another welfare organization that can do a home check and do post home checks, and sterilization can be done before the animal goes to its new home. There are other welfare organizations that are able to accommodate requests like that – but the SPCA unfortunately isn’t one of those organizations that accommodate requests like this. Please also note that putting an animal under stress due to long or very long travelling distances is also not advised – so please avoid this where possible.
And if that makes you mad as heck – as much as the SPCA needs support from the public, maybe you aren’t the right fit for the SPCA. Again, you are allowed to have your own opinion – but DO NOT go and threaten the SPCA because you don’t like their policies.
So, if you are one of the minority that don’t like the SPCA – this is where we might part ways and ‘agree to disagree’. Have a good life.
One last request before you go (and I’m hoping that this is one point we can both agree on):
Please always be sure to practice responsible pet ownership.
Blog Post By Your Pet Caring Friend,
Carmen Harris.